Wednesday, April 1, 2015

10 Reasons Why Network Marketing Is a Perfect Business

Is joining a network marketing or MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business the right choice for you?

If you are considering to start your own business, try to consider these 10 reasons before you make up your mind.

1. You Can Start Your Own Business Immediately

Unlike other types of opportunities, you don’t need a degree in business administration to start your own business venture. A network marketing business is one that you can start today once you sign-up. You can start immediately doing your business. It is set up in a way which allows new business owners to start working toward their goal of financial freedom from where they are right now.

2. Low Start-up Costs but High Income Potential

A large amount of capital is not needed to get started a network marketing business. You don’t need to spend time conducting research to develop products for sale, conduct market research surveys or any of the other steps involved in launching a business on your own. For a relatively small investment, you gain access to products or services which are ready to go and that buyers are already interested in purchasing.

3. Marketing and Business Trainings are Provided for FREE or part of the package

Once you choose a program, marketing and business trainings are provided to you from the outset. A good quality program provides ongoing training so that you do not need to feel as if you are in business by yourself. You do not need to spend time reinventing the wheel in your marketing efforts when your network marketing program gives you the tools you need for success right out of the box

4.Strategies for Lead Generation are in Place

Effective lead generation is an area that many businesses find challenging. In order to continually generate revenue, the sales funnel for the business must be kept full with new leads coming in all the time. A Network Marketing business offers a plan for generating leads for your business, which may include a customized website or other ways of attracting people who are interested in what you have to offer and motivated to make a decision and take action right away.

5. The income is Unlimited (Exponential Income vs Linear Income)

As your organization grows overtime, so does your income which creates an exponential income. For many people, exchanging a certain number of hours per day or per week to an employer for a job earns in return a set amount of compensation that is limited only to the agreed amount (a linear income). With network marketing, a member is rewarded based on his or her level of effort, not what someone else decides that he or she is worth.

6. Minimal or No Overhead Cost

Unlike the traditional business were you need to have a space for an office or a place to display your products plus additional expenses on rentals and maintenance cost, transportation, utilities like electricity, water, internet connection and telephone, and manpower salaries. A Network Marketing (MLM) business eliminates some of these expenses or maintained at minimum level.
7.  Boss Concept

You are your own boss of your business. You are the President and the CEO. You decide the earning you want to achieve based on your effort and the leadership you have towards your team. You set your own time when to do your business.
8.  No Time Schedule

You choose your own time to do your business. You have a flexible time based on the goals you want to achieve. No 8 to 5 work schedule for you.

9.  Law of Leverage

Leveraging for Network Marketing is multiplying your working hours, effort, knowledge and skills through others or your team or through using the internet.
"I'd rather earn 1% from the effort of 100 people than to earn 100% through the effort of 1 person." John Paul Getty. This is working smart rather than working hard.

10.  Leave a Legacy

In Network Marketing, "to get what you want, you have to help enough people first get what they want." This is a life changing opportunity if you understand and apply first this principle to your business. This will lead your growth and success to this business. It will be your legacy to other people's lives you've help and change along the way in doing this business. This is also your contribution to mankind and that will bring honor to your name and your family.

These are just a few reasons why network marketing is considered a perfect business especially for starters without a background for business. You decide whether this business model is right for you. Choosing it means that you get access to a system that works, as well as get the help and support of like-minded people that works together with you as a team and helps you grow. 

Find a Network Marketing (MLM) Business that you can work with and that will work for you."Opportunities are never missed. Someone else just takes advantage of them first."

your friend in success,


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